Sunday, April 26, 2009

I was supposed to make a last entry last week for my class, but between my 15-year-old's girlfriend breaking up with him, trying to spend time with my 19-year-old daughter who is returning to Hawaii on the 29th, my grandson's birthday, my oldest son's birthday, and my alzheimer's diseased grandma suffering from a stroke and expected to die any day now (all things that happened last week), it totally slipped my mind.

I will make this last entry in the hopes that I will be shown some consideration for my busier-than-normal life, which has been more involved with others this past week. I have enjoyed all the research and things I have learned from this blog. I agree with Hyrum that many times people involve themselves too much on blogs, but as a homework assignment, I enjoyed it very much because it was a great way to keep track of my progress as well as my favorite web sites, etc. that I continue to refer to. Thanks to my teacher for having us be involved in this learning experience.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Final Entry

I was really disappointed that more of my friends wouldn't commit to doing/changing things to help our environment. I have enjoyed this blog because I have been able to do some fun research and make some great changes in the way I do things. If everyone would commit to just a little, it could make a huge difference.

I will continue my efforts to influence others in making wiser choices regarding the environment. Next Tuesday I will give my report on my blog and if I accomplished my goal, which I didn't because my goal was to get 25 people to commit to doing/changing 2 things. I did have some people say they needed to do better, but no commitments to specific changes they were willing to make. So, I guess we know why our environment is in trouble! I really don't think it is a lack of information or knowledge, people just don't want to change the way they do things. This has been a real eye-opener for me.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

New for this week

I learned that in the summer it is best to fill the gas tank during cooler evening hours to cut down on evaporation – good to know and something I plan to do when the weather gets warmer.

I have started adding my aluminum foil to my aluminum cans to recycle. I have had three bags I keep in the kitchen; one for aluminum, one for milk jugs, and one for other plastice drink containers.

I normally rip up and throw away quite a bit of junk mail, but I have started a 4th bag for recycling paper stuff, and I'm going to start another one for cardboard like cereral boxes and stuff, along with a small box for used batteries.

Looks like I'll need the whole family to go with me to the recycling center in Orem next week to haul it all in. I really do feel good about my efforts and wish that more people would get involved in doing the same.

I got an e-mail from a co-worker asking me where she could take some hazardous waste, so I think my friends, co-workers and family are at least using me as a resource, and hopefully I will have planted some seeds in their consciences to be more aware and do some things differently.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Efforts and Successes

Over this past Winter I have rarely put the thermostat above 66 degrees; in fact only when company was coming over. I've just worn warmer clothes inside.

During the past month, I have started washing more clothes in cold water instead of warm.

I've always turned off lights when leaving a room, and encourage my family members to do the same. It's hard to get them all to do it, but I do regular walk-throughs in the evening to make sure all lights that are not being used are turned off.

Last week I purchased some "green" toilet paper. While it is not as soft or nice as what I am used to, I'm okay using it except for blowing my nose.

I discovered that you can actually report smokig vehicles to your local air agency. I will look up and see what I can find on the web for a phone number to report these to. Everyone hates to be behind one of these stinky vehicles!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Soy Candles

I have read information on soy candles and found out that regular candles regular scented candles are made from Paraffin and are made from non-renewable petroleum and inject soot and smoke into the air. Clean-burning soy candles are more environmentally friendly and burn longer than paraffin candles so you get more for your money. I've seen soy candles, but didn't know what the difference was. I think this is great to know and will buy soy candles in the future.

A thought for this week: Since paper products are such a huge percentage of our waste, and since it costs so much to run a dishwasher as far as water and electricity are concerned, which is the better choice?

I walked to school last week and was proud of myself for getting the exercise and for not using my car. I plan to do this more if the weather stays nice. So, doing something is better than doing nothing, right? I will continue to do little somethings and I will feel like I'm doing my part.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Here is a comment from Gina to go along with the article and website I posted about our ecological footprints. She is unable to post this comment because she does not have a google account. "Thanks! It will not let me post a comment as I don’t have a Google account or blog spot. I took the footprint quiz and I need to be better. It would take 5.06 earths if everyone lived like me. Yikes. Jeremy can you post this comment for me. Linda has inspired me to do and be better. Please post by footprint of 5.06 earths. I am not ashamed but can do better. Thanks!"

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Green Toilet Paper

Thanks for your comments Chels, I really appreciate that someone is getting something from all this information besides just me. I went to the store and checked out recycled toilet paper. Because I have so much T.P. at home already, I didn't buy any, but I noticed two brands that are available: Scott Naturals and White Cloud Green Earth. They both sell for $2.68 at Wal-Mart for 4 mega rolls which are supposed to equal 10 single rolls. I'll try them next time I run out. They may not be as soft as what I usually buy, quilted northern, but I really do want to make all the changes I feel I comfortably can, and I want to at least try them out.

I have two garbage bags full of plastic containers to take to the recycling center, but I want to wait until I have a full bag of aluminum cans also. I'll let everyone know how that goes in another couple of weeks. Ben is doing a great job keeping the cans crushed for me!

To conserve water, I don't run the water while I'm brushing my teeth, and I don't let water continue to run when I'm loading up the dishwasher like I have in the past.

I really think I'm making some good changes, and will continue to work on more.